GirlScript Foundation is registered under Govt. of India as a section 8 non-profit company since 2017. We have impacted 5,00,000+ learners in 77 cities and 34+ countries globally. Our mission is to help beginners in tech education and make them employable.
YUVA Foundation was established in 2016 with an aim to conduct youth empowerment programs and placement opportunities. The foundation has taken the initiative to organize many job fairs, job fests, and placement drives all over Maharashtra.
Crowdera is a fee-free global online fundraising platform for nonprofits and social innovators serving individuals and communities. Crowdera helps fundraisers to build meaningful engagement, spread their messages, and expand their donor base. Our focus is to empower global nonprofits
Together, we are pledging to upskill 10,000 youths by 2023 so that they will become able enough to work from home via online business or jobs considering post Covid-19 scenarios and adapt to new normal in the industry.
(Offline Classes)
The offline classes will be conducted at skill development center based in Nagpur. All necessary precautions will be taken and guidelines given by the government will be followed.The Commencement of Offline classes may get postponed based on the Covid Situations in Nagpur during that time