Glimpse of projects GSSoC-2020

Project: BlogMan

Project: PyDataStructs

Project: Webtech

Project: Water Monitoring System

Project: Bench-routes

Project: Footsteps-app

Project: Jarvis Personal Assistant

Project: Algo DS Notes

Project: MapBot

Project: whatsapp-play

Project: Ovuli

Project: Techtonica Curriculum

Project: Travel-Safe

Project: MentorFix

Project: Ignitus-client

Project: barview-android

Project: Plant Disease Detection Web Application

Project: The-Vision-Jarvis-Web

Project: The-Vision-Jarvis-Core

Project: The-Vision-Jarvis-Telegram

Project: Crop Ai - Frontend

Project: Crop Ai - Backend

Project: Crop Ai - Data Modeling

Project: Crop Ai - Android App

Project: Awesome-React-Modules - React Pincode

Project: Awesome-React-Modules - React Dark

Project: Awesome-React-Modules - React Pincode Website

Project: Awesome-React-Modules - React Dark Website

Project: RootTheBox CTF Framework

Project: Conference-Notify

Project: Book Uploader Bot

Project: Spotify Recommendation Engine

Project: BOSSY

Project: Simulate

Project: AmbSQL

Project: Cosmos

Project: GirlScript Community App

Project: Footsteps-extension

Project: Footsteps-flutter-app

Project: GirlScript Chennai Website

Project: CatsInTech-Rezume

Project: CatsInTech-Website

Project: MentorFix-API


Description: "Publish your words in your way! Whether you'd like to share your knowledge, experiences or the latest news, publish your own articles in a unique and smart way" BlogMan is a new social blogging platform where anybody can share their views and read other's opinion related to any topic. It is a way to connect with people and to know how the world is thinking. BlogMan is created using the MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS (MERN Stack).

Tech stack: MERN Stack

Admin: Avijit Das


Description:  This project aims at helping people from academia and sports programmers to use data structures whenever they need without thinking about the complexities of implementation. We have previously participated in Kharagpur Winter of Code, 2019 organized by KOSS, IIT Kharagpur. We want to carry forward this journey by participating in GSSoC.

Tech stack: Python 3.5+, Travis CI, Codecov

Admin: Gagandeep Singh


Description: Identify the technologies used on websites. (Dig-deep into web tech from your terminal)

Tech Stack: Python

Admin: Anoop Krishnan


Description: Water Monitoring System is an IOT based Liquid Level Monitoring system that has mechanisms to keep the user alerted in case of liquid overflow or when tank depletes.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Arduino

Admin: Vinit Shahdeo


Description: Bench-routes is a GUI-powered highly scalable monitoring and performance testing industry-grade application that monitors the performance of the routes in any web/routing - application and the deployed virtual-machine instance. Bench-routes would perform a series of networking algorithms and calculations involved to find the real-time state of routes in an application andsaving the result in a time-series database. It monitors the routes at regular intervals and analyzes the response and the time involved in the same. The moment, the delta in response rises above a threshold limit, an alert would be sent to the admin of the respective manager. The entire result of the metrics can be visualised in form of continuous charts from which necessary conclusions can be drawn.

Tech Stack: Golang, React, ChartJS

Admin: Harkishen Singh


Description: A search engine for community-made learning resources for the 21st-century learner. Learn by following the footsteps (resources) of experts.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJS, GatsbyJS, GraphQL, PostgreSQL

Admin:Abhishek Uniyal


Description: The project aims to develop a personal-assistant for Linux-based systems. Jarvis draws its inspiration from virtual assistants like Cortana for Windows, and Siri for iOS. It has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface for carrying out a variety of tasks by employing certain well-defined commands. Users can interact with the assistant either through voice commands or using a keyboard input.

Tech Stack: AngularJS, GoLang, Python, JavaScript

Admin: Muskan Khedia


Description: Collection of algorithms and data structures in various programming languages. Project's Requirements: Good understanding of algorithms and data structures OR Understanding of web development Tasks And Features: Adding more algorithms and data structures Creating a web app

Tech Stack: C, C++, CoffeeScript, CSharp, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, GO

Admin: Aman Jain, Somya Kapoor


Description: The project aims to give users a new way to interact with Google Maps by building engaging text-based conversational interfaces. Using Natural Language Processing, it analyses the user's intent and responds in the most useful way. (This project is a great stepping stone for participants interested to try their hands in the popular NLP algorithms but don't have a lot of experience to start on something extravagant)

Tech Stack: Python, MySQL, GoogleMapsAPI

Admin: Vishakha Lall


Description: Whatsapp-play is command-line software through which you can play with your WhatsApp. It is having different options to play with your WhatsApp like message blast, online tracking, whatsapp chat, etc. This software aims to provide all the facilities which we can do with WhatsApp.

Tech Stack: Python

Admin: Rohit Potter


Description: Ovulation Calculator and Calendar

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React Native, Express

Admin: Sarthak Sharma


Description: Techtonica is a free intensive tech training and job placement for low-income women. This repo is the curriculum for our students and guests.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux

Admin: William DePhillips


Description: Women safety is one of the most controversial issues in our country such heinous crimes are now carried out in broad daylight which has dampened the morale of women to step outdoors. Despite this, girls have to go to school, college, tuitions and the working dames must make it to their workplace. When traveling alone, it’s best to raise your guards, stay alert and make use of the technology that entertains you and lies comfortably in your purse – your mobile phone, for your safety. Travel-safe simplifies safety for women in the digital world by making it easy to stay connected to the nearest police station. With Travel-safe: - user can create her own private group to share live location tracking whenever switched on - when the user decides to share her location, the nearest police station also gets a regular update on it. - Based on historical data, a heatmap will be created for the crime prone areas so that the user is alerted about it. Also, it will help police understand and increase patrolling in such areas identified by the system. -Collectively assistance feature that alerts all the verified people near you who are registered in the app

Tech Stack: Flutter, Firebase

Admin: Ajitesh singh


Description: MentorFix is an open source initiative to find mentors for people around who have certain projects in mind but need people/volunteers to bring those into life.

Tech Stack: React, MongoDB, GraphQL, nodeJS

Admin: Abhishek Prasad


Description: I’d like to introduce you to Ignitus (A Non-Profit Organization for the welfare of student community ) that helps students and professionals get handpicked top-quality global research and industrial internships, for free! The students participate in projects and training programs supervised by our experts.The platform has got exponential growth after successful internship completion by the associated students with researchers from SAIL (Stanford AI Lab) and Oxford University.

Tech Stack: Node.js, React.js, Redux.js, Prop-Types, Jest, Redux-Sagas, Styled Components (Emotion), SASS

Admin: Divyanshu Rawat


Description: BarView is a native android UI library that provides the representation of numerical data in the form of a bar graph, with a plethora of customizability options.

Tech Stack: Java, Native Android

Admin: Kumar Harsh


Description: It is web application deep learning project which detects disease in Plant's leaf

Tech Stack: Fastai, Pytorch, Python, GCloud, AWS, Starlette API

Admin: Shubham Kumar


Description: Evolution of JARVIS, it aims to write generic modules which can be exposed as standalone APIs as well as plugged into various platforms like Messenger, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Skype, etc.

Tech Stack: Python/Flask, JavaScript

Admin: Swapnil Agarwal


Description: Evolution of JARVIS, it aims to write generic modules which can be exposed as standalone APIs as well as plugged into various platforms like Messenger, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Skype, etc.

Tech Stack: Python/Flask, JavaScript

Admin: Swapnil Agarwal


Description:The intention of the project is to familiarise the student with open source development in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Android Development. It will be done by making a real-life application that can be used by the consumers. Our aim is to make an end to end crop advisory app for farmers and gardeners. It can diagnose pest damage, plant disease and nutrient deficiencies that are affecting crops and can offer corresponding treatment measures.

Tech Stack: Tensorflow-Keras, Java, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Admin: Sahil Sulekhiya


Description: The intention of the project is to familiarise the student with open source development in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Android Development. It will be done by making a real-life application that can be used by the consumers. Our aim is to make an end to end crop advisory app for farmers and gardeners. It can diagnose pest damage, plant disease and nutrient deficiencies that are affecting crops and can offer corresponding treatment measures.

Tech Stack: Tensorflow-Keras, Java, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Admin: Sahil Sulekhiya


Description:The intention of the project is to familiarise the student with open source development in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Android Development. It will be done by making a real-life application that can be used by the consumers. Our aim is to make an end to end crop advisory app for farmers and gardeners. It can diagnose pest damage, plant disease and nutrient deficiencies that are affecting crops and can offer corresponding treatment measures.

Tech Stack: Tensorflow-Keras, Java, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Admin: Sahil Sulekhiya


Description: The intention of the project is to familiarise the student with open source development in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Android Development. It will be done by making a real-life application that can be used by the consumers. Our aim is to make an end to end crop advisory app for farmers and gardeners. It can diagnose pest damage, plant disease and nutrient deficiencies that are affecting crops and can offer corresponding treatment measures.

Tech Stack: Tensorflow-Keras, Java, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Admin: Sahil Sulekhiya


Description: This Organisation contains various ReactJS NPM module which can be used inside a ReactJS application to add interesting features inside any project. Presently it has two NPM modules React-Pincode and React-Dark. Each of the modules has more than 250 downloads on the official NPM website. The detailed description of each project as follows:- 1) React-Pincode:- provides smooth functionality in an application to autofill city and state input field as users enter a Pincode in the input field. When a user enters an invalid Pincode which doesn't exist it throws an error. The workflow of the module is when a user enters a pin code it fetches the details from official Indian postal code API which contains all the details related to the Pincode. The module fetches only city and state information and updates the fields. Ir provides a method to add CSS classes to all three input fields to make it as per the user's choice. This module is very flexible and fast. Currently, this works only for Indian Pincodes. The module uses Webpack for module bundling and Babel for compiling. Link - 2) React-Dark:- is an interesting module which allows a developer to add a dark theme to any application is just a few easy and smooth steps. It provides an option to toggle between dark and light theme. It provides a flexible method to change the theme colour when required. The workflow of the module is as the user toggle the theme checkbox the CSS styles which were set for the sark theme will be applied to the whole project. The module uses Webpack for module bundling and Babel for compiling. Link -

Tech Stack: ReactJS, Webpack, Babel

Admin: Apoorv Taneja


Description: A lightweight, easy to deploy CTF framework(in Flask) for HackTheBox style machines.

Tech Stack: Python(Flask), PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, Jinja2 templa

Admin: Eshaan Bansal


Description: Conference-Notify will be an open source web based application that will aggregate conference information from wikicfp , guide2research and other such websites to create a single point of aggregated information and build index over the same. These information can then be searched by users through plain text queries. On finding relevant conferences the user can create recurring notifiers for themselves for the date reminders which can be enabled on both mobile devices and through browser notification.

Tech Stack: Python, MEAN, Elastic search, Kafka

Admin: Rajat Kanti Bhattacharjee


Description: It's an open source tool that uploads books from public libraries like Google Books and Panjab Digital Library to

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React.js, Node

Admin: Anmol Wassan


Description: This is a rapid prototyped presentation of how a Spotify Recommendation Engine should work . A system that recommends songs from your existing playlists using Spotify API and a bit of classical machine learning techniques.

Tech Stack: Python, Scikit-Learn, Flutte

Admin: Sayantan Das


Description: This is an entire API and a unique employee management application to serve information for today's most accomplished entrepreneurs. It helps entrepreneurs keep track of their employees and handle all the annoying meetings that keep getting added to their busy schedule. It also helps them to organize their brilliant ideas in a click.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, Express.js, Node.js, Linux, Chai, Mocha, CSS, HTML

Admin: Aditya Sharma


Description: A collection of simulations and visualizations for all sorts of stuff (Majorly Algorithmic or Mathematical) in a cross platform app based on flutter.

Tech Stack: Flutter, Dart

Admin: Yash Lamba


Description: It is a database management system focusing on making the database management easy with making it as fast as a database.

Tech Stack: Python3, pandas, numpy, sqlite3, html, css, js

Admin: Ambuj Raj


Description: Cosmos is an umbrella project at OpenGenus that deals with Algorithms and Data Structures specifically and Computer Science in general. OpenGenus is sponsored by GitHub, DigitalOcean and Discourse.

Tech Stack: C, C++, Java, Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Admin: Aditya Chatterjee


Description: This is an app built using Flutter for GirlScipt Chennai Chapter that is to be used by the tech community associated with it and to later serve as a template for other tech communities as well.

Tech Stack: Dart, Flutter, Firebase, HTML, CSS, Javascript, UX/UI

Admin: Smaranjit Ghose


Description: This app helps to archive the same functionality as the browser extension on PCs since extensions don’t exist in web browsers for Android or iOS.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Admin: Abhishek Uniyal


Description: This app helps to archive the same functionality as the browser extension on PCs since extensions don’t exist in web browsers for Android or iOS.

Tech Stack: Flutter, Android, iOS

Admin: Abhishek Uniyal


Description: This project is the website meant to build for GirlScript Chennai Chapter for announcements of events and portrayal of the members' achievements both as a team and solo. Furhtermore it shall serve as open source project built by the community for the community itself, i.e. a platform for everyone to hone their skills which will eventually serve as a boilerplate for them use in their communities(whichever chapter they belong to).

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Admin: Smaranjit Ghose


Description: A team and set of tools to guide and get curious beginners into tech! It is specially for training students to be industry ready with skills on MERN Stack and LAMP Stack.The base website will be designed by the team. It’s gonna be for them and by them. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP & MySQL - for contact forms). Rezume: An app that helps to build your CVs online - similar to Comparator: MySmartPrix for comparing anything - starting with Companies. The two projects - Rezume and Comparator are going to be built on React JS & Node JS.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, React JS, Node JS

Admin: Praveen Kumar


Description: A team and set of tools to guide and get curious beginners into tech! It is specially for training students to be industry ready with skills on MERN Stack and LAMP Stack.The base website will be designed by the team. It’s gonna be for them and by them. (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP & MySQL - for contact forms). Rezume: An app that helps to build your CVs online - similar to Comparator: MySmartPrix for comparing anything - starting with Companies. The two projects - Rezume and Comparator are going to be built on React JS & Node JS.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, React JS, Node JS

Admin: Praveen Kumar


Description: MentorFix is an open source initiative to find mentors for people around who have certain projects in mind but need people/volunteers to bring those into life.

Tech Stack: React, MongoDB, GraphQL, nodeJS

Admin: Abhishek Prasad

Previous Sponsors

Sponsors make it possible for Girlscript Summer Of Code to provide the perks for participants. Their generous donations allow students to participate in the program and focus on learning. Sponsors receive a great deal of publicity and exposure as a result of the program. So register to be a sponsor today!
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What our Alma mater has to say

“GirlScript Summer of Code was just an idea to help clueless beginners in open source. We never expected 1000 participants from 4 countries but it happened and we successfully completed it. The program also helped some NGOs to get their projects built without spending any money and therefore we created an impact. Although, there were some flaws in first edition, we are coming again in 2019 with corrections and additions!”


Anubha Maneshwar


“Being a part of the organising team of GSSoC 2018 and 2019, has a great learning experience for me. Working towards encouraging new comers dive into open source gave me immense satisfaction. With such a huge participation, managing such a large event with participants spread all over the country wasn't a cake walk, but the team made it possible. With GSSoC making larger impact each year, I hope this year's edition encourages many more to begin their open source journey.”


Akshita Aggarwal

Operations Lead

“Organising GSSoC'19 was an amazing experience for me. I faced challenges and did things I never did before. Working with community, upholding Code of Conduct, organising a large scale event, all this helped me grow in my skills and understand developer community better. GSSoC'19 was a hell of ride, with some amazing contributions and I hope coming editions of GSSoC are even more impactful and inclusive.”


Aakanksha Jain

Project Lead
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